Karl Senner is proud to participate in WEDA Dredging Summit & Expo 2022 in Houston, TX on July 25-28th.
At WEDA we are featuring the REINTJES RDG series, which was specifically developed for dredge pump applications and includes increased stock loads, low operating noise, high operational reliability and much more…
The Dredging Summit & Expo ’22 is a technical conference organized by the Western Dredging Association (WEDA) to promote the exchange of knowledge in fields related to dredging, navigation, marine engineering, and construction. It will provide a forum for improvement of communications, technology transfer, and cooperation among associations & societies while emphasizing the importance of understanding and developing solutions for problems related to the protection and enhancement of the marine environment. The conference will take place at the brand new Marriott Marquis in downtown Houston from July 25-28, 2022.